Personal Website

Basically what you are looking at right now is the result of my learnings in Computing Fundamentals, at first we learned converting then calculating binaries, then this came-up, never knew making a website is easier than some Programming Languages, though many things are yet to be discovered and learned.

Click on the Icon beside to view source code of my website in Github CC1GitHub

Computer Scientist

As we all know from Edsger Dijkstra Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. I, therefore must learn to analyze, experiment and make conclusions on studying theories, algorithms, computation and other information that Computer Science holds that maybe somehow in the future serve as a big help in this revolutionizing world of technology

Click on the Icon beside to view my researches in Github RPGitHub

Graphic Designer

It's not just number logics, it's not just math and calculations, to be a computer science student you must also be an expert on the Field of Art, next are example of Vector Arts that I made with Adobe Products (Photoshop etc.) and 3D Models that I made (probably by following tutorials on youtube). We also made a pitch bible. In the future we can use this skills if we want to pursue game development/game design and we just have to keep on drawing and improving (TRADIONALLY AND DIGITALLY). Just a reminder that some of the pictures (especially the moving ones and with watermarks) are NOT mine and belongs to the rightful owners.

Click on the Icon beside to view my artworks in Github GraphicsDesign

Pitch Bible

Using the essentials of animation. Designer must start visualizing the Characters, Settings, and most importantly the Story

My own compilation of premise, story, characters, and images in a form that can be presented during a pitch.

Loglobe App

Project started when I enrolled on the subject of Human and Computer Interaction, there's nothing much to discuss here, but we are on the process of making an app. The Loglobe App! It's an app that gives you INFORMATION/DIRECTIONS/GUIDES to a certain establishment. APP IS COMING SOON SO STAY TUNED!

Click on the Icon beside to view my Loglobe progress in Github CC7GitHub

Computer Programmer

Phew! Our professors in Java Programming keeps challenging us in making this codes. Beside's a preview of the different code problems/challenges I've done before

Click on the Icon beside to view my sample codes in Github CC2GitHub

Sample Codes

Gallery of my Codes, mostly from Computer Programming. Click to View

Note: Animations and Wallpapers are not mine, they are made by Weilard from Deviantart. I just used them for design relevance or decoration :D

Before you leave . . .

“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.”

― Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled